Simulation: Multi-agent Formation Path Planning

First download the binary, unzip and use appletviewer to run demo.html in the extracted folder.

The base graph is a 21 x 21 grid. To play around:

  • Input the number of agents and click on "Launch simulation", or
  • Click on one of the "Launch 'UIUC' simulation" options, and enjoy the show!

The "Launch simulation" option uses all three input parameters (listed below). The "Launch 'UIUC' simulation" options loop through formation of the letters 'U', 'I', 'U', and 'C'. This later choice only uses the 'Iteration delay' parameter.
  • Number of agents: Total number of agents in the system. Use a positive integer smaller than 200 (since the grid only has about 400 vertices).
  • Iteration delay: The time delay between time steps.
  • Grid type: 'Grid' uses a full grid as the graph; 'Grid with holes' uses the grid with some vertices removed.
Closing the browser will close all simulation windows; moving the simulation window around may cause rendering artifacts.